The principles of language 

Development have been rendered by various principles of language development, which have been described as the :-

Principle of Bandura, 

The principle of Bandura forcefully emphasizing the principle of social learning that the child used to be used in his family and neighborhood The type of word and words to listen to the children easily learn. 

Albert Bandura also stressed that cloning (modeling) also plays an important role in learning of children. 

The principle of maturity means that there is a control over language ingredients and vowels. In the speech, there are ghee, throat, palate, lips, teeth and vowels etc. are responsible for any kind of weakness or lacking voice. When there is maturity in all these organs, there is a control over language and the expression is good. 

The principle of procurement is a lot of contribution or companionship in language development. When children learn words in infancy, learning is not intangible, but they are given information about words by adding a tangible object. Similarly, children are established by a specific object or person and addressed the concerned word on the presence of the person or person on practice. 

The principle of simulation has studied on learning the language by simulation by  chimpanzees, Shirley, Karti and Valentine etc.. They do not know that the child learns to simulate the language of his family and colleagues. The language like the language or family is spoken, the children learn the same language. If there is any fault in the language used in the child or family, then the fault is also reflected in the language of that child. 

Chomsky, the principle of earning Chomsky's language, says that children learn to build sentences by submitting certain rules by a certain number of words. From these words, new sentences and words are formed. Chomsky has provided the noun of Generative Grammar, which constructed these sentences.